Sunday 27 April 2014

Bank Holday

 I know these are nearly week late but i took theses photo's bank holiday Monday. Luckily the rain held off until i got home :). St James's Park was looking as pretty as ever :).  Everyone looked like they was having a good time in the park :). The guards always seem to cause a stir with passers by wanting take pictures next to them!! And of course the usual south bank walk always ends up on my blog!!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Going On A Bear Hunt,,,,

 Okaayy so we didn't find any bear's...

 But we did meet a cute dog called Berty :) and it was nice to go for a long walk and be silly with my little cousin. Makes you feel lucky to have this on my doorstep, even thou i do love the city :). Hope everyone enjoys the long Easter weekend :).